Årets vinnare av SAIS exjobbspris utsedd!

Vinnare av SAIS exjobbspris 2012 är:
Rodrigo Ronald Gumucio Escobar, Uppsala Universitet
för examensarbetet med titeln “Constraints on Set Variables for Constraint-based Local Search“.
(Nominerad av: Pierre Flener)

Motiveringen till priset lyder:
“The award goes to Rodrigo Ronald Gumucio Escobar for his thesis entitled “Constraints on Set Variables for Constraint-based Local Search”. The thesis is of unusual technical strength, and it is presented in a report that is thorough and self-contained. The results presented in the thesis advance the state-of-the-art in constraint programming, a core field of Artificial Intelligence, and contribute solutions of high academic standard to both theoretical and practical problems. The thesis contains two main contributions, firstly, he extends the local search solver of the well-known Comet constraint programming system so as to handle set variables, and secondly, he demonstrates that a higher level of modelling often bears no cost: on the contrary, it can improve the solution time or be a necessity in terms of memory.”

Det vinnande exjobbet finns tillgängligt här:

Totalt fick SAIS styrelse in 5 nomineringar till årets pris. Varje exjobb utvärderades av två oberoende granskare, varefter styrelsen utsåg en vinnare baserat på granskningsresultaten. De nominerade var:

  • Johan Ekekrantz, KTH – “Visual attention using 3D context” (nominerad av Alper Aydemir)
  • Peter Exner, LTH – “Constructing Large Proposition Databases” (nominerad av Pierre Nugues)
  • Petter Fogelqvist, UU – “Verification of completeness and consistency in knowledge-based systems” (nominerad av Anneli Edman)
  • Rodrigo Ronald Gumucio Escobar, UU – “Constraints on Set Variables for Constraint-based Local Search” (nominerad av Pierre Flener)
  • Masoumeh Mansouri, ÖrU – “Constraint-based Activity Recognition with Uncertainty” (nominerad av Federico Pecora)

Eva Blomqvist
Sekreterare, SAIS

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