Vinnare av SAIS exjobbspris 2013 är:
Andrea Baisero, KTH
för examensarbetet med titeln “Encoding Sequential Structures using Kernels – Path-Based Feature Space Embeddings for Sequential Data.”
(Nominerad av: Danica Kragic, KTH)
Motiveringen till priset lyder:
“The award goes to Andrea Baisero for his thesis entitled “Encoding
Sequential Structures using Kernels – Path-Based Feature Space
Embeddings for Sequential Data”. The thesis is of high theoretical
and mathematical strength, and it is presented in a report that is
thorough and well-written. Baisero has developed a new type of feature
space for sequential data implicitly defined through an inner-product.
This is an important area of theoretical research, related to Artificial
Intelligence and in particular Machine Learning, where results are
applicable in many application domains where data naturally is presented
in terms of sequential structures, such as bioinformatics, Internet
security and language processing. The results are novel and presents a
significant contribution towards dealing with sequential data.”
Det vinnande exjobbet finns tillgängligt här. Vinnaren kommer att presentera sitt arbete vid SCAI 2013.
Totalt fick SAIS styrelse in 5 nomineringar till årets pris. Varje exjobb utvärderades av tre oberoende granskare, varefter styrelsen utsåg en vinnare baserat på granskningsresultaten. De nominerade var
- Shameem Ahamed Puthiya Parambath, Umeå universitet – “Topic Extraction and Bundling of Related Scientific Articles” (Nominerad av: Henrik Björklund)
- Andrea Baisero, KTH – “Encoding Sequential Structures using Kernels – Path-Based Feature Space Embeddings for Sequential Data.” (Nominerad av: Danica Kragic)
- Ayne Beyenes och Tewelle Welemariams, BTH – “Concept Drift in Surgery Prediction” (Nominerad av: Niklas Lavesson och Marie Persson)
- Karl Jansson, Stockholms universitet – “Performance study of using the Direct Compute API for implementing Support vector machines on GPUs” (Nominerad av: Henrik Boström)
- Anders Westling, KTH – “Sentiment Analysis of Microblog Posts from a Crisis Event using Machine Learning” (Nominerad av: Joel Brynielsson)
Eva Blomqvist
Sekreterare, SAIS