The Winner of SAIS best AI Master’s Thesis Award 2014

We are happy to announce that the winner of the Swedish AI Society’s prize for best AI Master’s Thesis 2014 is Daniel de Leng, for his thesis work conducted at Linköping University. The title of the thesis is “Extending semantic matching in DyKnow to handle indirectly-available streams”. The supervisor is Fredrik Heintz, Linköping University and the examiner is Professor John-Jules Meyer, Utrecht University.

The motivation is: The award goes to Daniel de Leng for a thesis, which presents extensive work that demonstrates skills in both software development for robotics, formal theory, and formal languages, all useful building blocks for artificial intelligence. A strength, and which proves the soundness of his results, is that it goes all the way from theory to implementation and evaluation. The results fit nicely into a use context, and advance both theoretical work on semantic information integration for stream reasoning by taking into consideration indirectly-available streams, and practical implementation as the first integrated version of DyKnow-ROS, which can be used for empirical experimentation. In this context, it is clear that the results open up several avenues of new paths for research. The text is well written, showing results with high level of maturity and has resulted in a scientific publication, which further shows that it is of high quality.

The submitted theses were read and evaluated by a group of expert reviewers. A combination of four criteria was used to determine the winner: maturity of content, scientific value, writing style, and relevance of the content to the AI area. All submitted theses were of very high quality but the chosen thesis stood out when evaluating all criteria.

The thesis will be presented at the SAIS workshop, which is taking place the coming two days (May 22-23) at KTH, Stockholm. For more information and schedule, please, visit

Helena Lindgren on behalf of the SAIS board

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