Winners of the SAIS AI Master’s Thesis Award 2024

This year we received 5 nominations, which were all reviewed by several SAIS board members. Although we received many high-quality nominations, after the review process the highest ranked thesis by the reviewers, at the same time the one considered most interesting for a presentation at the SAIS workshop, was selected by the board as this years winner.

The SAIS Best AI Master’s Thesis Award 2024 goes to:
Ludvig Widén and Emil Wiman for the thesis entitled Autonomous 3D exploration with dynamic obstacles– Towards Intelligent Navigation and Collision Avoidance for Autonomous 3D Exploration with dynamic obstacles, conducted at Linköping University under the supervision of Mattias Tiger.

The thesis addresses an important challenge within AI, focusing on autonomous navigation amidst dynamic obstacles, which is a necessary prerequisite to making robots that safely interact with humans. The thesis provides an extensive coverage of background and related work, while additionally making a substantial scientific contribution. The work provides a solution in the form of a dynamic autonomous exploration planner, which performs 3D explorations while including dynamic obstacles in the planning process. The work has already been accepted as a full paper in a prestigious robotics conference (ICRA 2024).

The thesis will be presented at the SCAI symposium 2024 (see:, at Jönköping University on June 10-11 2024.

Congratulations to the winners, and a big thanks to everyone who nominated a thesis as well as the reviewers for their assessment effort!

The SAIS board,
through Eva Blomqvist, SAIS secretary

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