The Winner of SAIS best AI Master's Thesis Award 2010

We are happy to announce that the winner of the Swedish AI Society's prize for best AI Master's Thesis 2010 is Roberto Castaņeda Lozano, KTH. The title of the thesis is "Constraint Programming for Random Testing of a Trading System" and the supervisors are Christian Schulte, KTH and Lars Wahlberg, Cinnober AB.

The motivation is: Roberto is awarded the prize for his excellent thesis that shows how constraint programming, a classical AI technique, can be used to allow automated random testing of a trading system. The thesis combines a strong theoretical foundation with a thorough empirical evaluation. The developed techniques also lead to the discovery of unknown faults and specification defects in a widely commercially deployed financial trading system.

The submitted theses were read and evaluated by a group of expert reviewers. A combination of four criteria were used to determine the winner: maturity of content, scientific value, writing style, and relevance of the content to the AI area. All submitted theses were of very high quality but the chosen thesis stood out when evaluating all criteria.

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