We are happy to announce that the winner of the Swedish AI Society's prize for best AI Master's Thesis 2011 is Joseph Scott, Uppsala University. The title of the thesis is "Filtering Algorithms for Discrete Cumulative Resources". The supervisor is Mats Carlsson, SICS and the examiner is Justin Pearson, Uppsala University.
The motivation is: The award goes to Joseph Scott for a thesis that advances the state-of-the-art in constraint programming, a core field of Artificial Intelligence. With a focus on constraint-based scheduling, he provides a rigorous critical analysis of the best known algorithm for cumulative edge finding that won the best paper award at CP'09. He infers some of the aspects of that algorithm that were discussed too briefly or not at all, he corrects several non-trivial mistakes, and he proposes several extensions as well as run-time improvements. The thesis is very well written and is at the level of a good research paper, much above that of the average Master's thesis.
The submitted theses were read and evaluated by a group of expert reviewers. A combination of four criteria were used to determine the winner: maturity of content, scientific value, writing style, and relevance of the content to the AI area. All submitted theses were of very high quality but the chosen thesis stood out when evaluating all criteria.
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